Louly A. Selim ( Mahmoud's friend): An article was posted in Wikeez
saying that mahmoud's health is deteriorating as a result of him not
eating due to his depression...THIS IS A LIE...mahmoud's health is
stable AHL but 7alto el nafseya is VERY BAD...god bless.
في مقال
نشر فى وكيز بتقول ان حاله محمود الصحيه متدهورة بسبب عدم اكله نتيجه حاله
الاكتئاب اللى عنده ,, وكل الكلام ده كذب ,, لان حاله محمود الصحيه مستقرة
والحمد لله ,, ولكن حالته النفسيه سيئه للغايه ,,, بارك الله